I take some courses for teachers to help them with integrating ICT into their classroom environments. I found some interesting reading in this online report from The Innovation Unit.
The evidence from studies of effective continuing professional development shows that actual transfer of learning depends on a combination of measures to encourage take up and to facilitate the development of ownership and control of new practices.
How can we ensure that excellent education practice does not get trapped on location but travels vertically and laterally to improve what's on offer to each and every learner in schools? This question lies at the heart of any attempt to improve any education system.
The Transfer and Scaling Up Project has built on earlier explorations by the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE) for The Innovation Unit to develop a more widely-shared understanding of the evidence base about moving beyond initial 'take up', to 'transfer' of innovative and/or effective practice in education (involving a fundamental change both in practitioners' knowledge and understanding of this practice) and by 'scaling it up' (spreading this practice).
Understanding the impact of different approaches has the potential to inform and transform policy making at every level: within school, between schools and at local, regional and national levels.
In this Innovation Unit think piece, Philippa Cordingley and Miranda Bell unpack the most common approaches to take up, transfer and scale up that have been used in education.
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