Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Web 2.0 Projects Book

Terry Freedman is updating his Web 2.0 projects book. This book has been available (free of charge) for teachers to use. I am teaching about integrating ICT into the primary classroom and often find that our students initially have very limited ideas on how to do this. We have directed our students to this book for some time now and they all find it very useful to see how teachers use these tools in so many innovative ways - many of them have never used any of these tools themselves before starting our course.
I know many of you are using Web 2.0 in your classrooms, why not contribute to this book (over 11,000 downloads of the last edition). Terry has extended the time to submit until 16th October - we have school holidays here at the moment so this is a great time to do something like this. In this way we can get the ideas to each other to use in classrooms. It is great to have the ideas in one place to look through and then adapt for our own classrooms. If you are interested go to Terry's site where you will find a link to an online form.
NEW DEADLINE: due to everything going on the new deadline is 31st October.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Open Education Resource (OER)

The Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation was officially launched on 17 September 2009 by Dr Robin Day.
This is very exciting for teachers globally and our own teachers here in New Zealand.

"The OER Foundation is a new not-for-profit organisation that will assist
education institutions in New Zealand and around the world to reduce costs
through open education resources. These are materials which educators are free
to reuse, adapt and modify without restriction."