Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
100 useful web tools for education

Monday, December 1, 2008
Studies Show Deep Understanding Derives from Collaborative Methods
This is very interesting for all teachers to read is the research to show how cooperative learning and inquiry-based teaching can have big dividends in the classroom.
"Evidence shows that inquiry-based, collaborative approaches benefit
students in learning important twenty-first-century skills, such as the ability
to work in teams, solve complex problems, and apply knowledge from one lesson to
others. The research suggests that inquiry-based lessons and meaningful group
work can be challenging to implement. They require changes in curriculum,
instruction, and assessment practices -- changes that are often new for teachers
and students.
Teachers need time and a community to organize sustained
project work. Inquiry-based instruction can help teachers deepen their
repertoire for connecting with their peers and students in new and meaningful
ways. That's powerful teaching and learning -- for students and teachers
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Web 2 tools

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Measuring skills for the 21st century

"Skills that really matter for the 21st century—the ability to think creatively and to evaluate and analyze information—can be measured accurately and in a common and comparable way. These emergent models also demonstrate the potential to measure these complex thinking skills at the same time that we measure a student's mastery of core content or basic skills and knowledge. There is, then, no need for more tests to measure advanced skills. Rather, there is a need for better tests that measure more of the skills students' need to succeed today. … "

It is interesting to note New Zealand's standing in this table.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Open source software

Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am going to use this tool with my students next year but would be interested to hear from anyone who has used it in their classroom.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Animoto new feature

A poem about teachers
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A vision of K12 students today
See what you think:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
21st century learners
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kids search engine - Kigose

A search engine for kids is kigose. It includes some search tips (I suspect that these would be useful for everyone!). In the 'Internet Safety' area there is a section where you can input a site's web address to give you a diagnostic output about the site - very useful for teachers as it is quick and easy.
There are also areas for Art, Literature, Maths, Social Studies, Sports, Technology, and Science. By clicking on these you will find links to appropriate web sites.
In addition there is a 'translation' area where you can have text translated from one language to another as well as a unit conversion area. Very useful site to use in the classroom.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Phishing Scams in Plain English
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Web 2 research
The report found that these children used Web 2 a lot in their leisure time but a limited amount in the classroom environment.
The report found that teachers who are using Web 2 technologies found benefits such as:
- Web 2.0 helps to encourage student engagement and increase participation – particularly among quieter pupils, who can use it to work collaboratively online, without the anxiety of having to raise questions in front of peers in class – or by enabling expression through less traditional media such as video.
- Teachers have reported that the use of social networking technology can encourage online discussion amongst students outside school.
- Web 2.0 can be available anytime, anywhere, which encourages some individuals to extend their learning through further investigation into topics that interest them.
Pupils feel a sense of ownership and engagement when they publish their work online and this can encourage attention to detail and an overall improved quality of work. Some teachers reported using publication of work to encourage peer assessment.
I use Web 2 tools with my students. There are so many with so many uses. Teachers need to think laterally to integrate these technologies in authentic and meaningful ways in their classrooms. We look at how a tool works and then use Mindmeister (another Web 2 tool) to do our mindmapping on how this can be integrated into the classroom.
Monday, October 20, 2008

There are many activities here to use in the classroom in Maths, Science, Language, Arts and History. Many of these activities can be used to extend or reinforce concepts for the children.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Spell with Flickr

Another Web 2 tool to use in the classroom Spell with Flickr.
This is a simple to use tool where you enter a word - this word is then displayed using a set of images which spell out the word. These can be copied or saved to use in the classroom.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Web Search Strategies in Plain English
CommonCraft have made a video to explain how different search strategies work.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cool Planet

Cool Planet is from Oxfam and is a site for teachers and students. Each part of the graphic has links to use.
For example I clicked on "Milking It" to go to an area where students are asked to compare the lives of two dairy farmers in very different countries.
- How are they affected by international trade rules?
- Who makes these rules?
- What can we do to change them?
There are activities for the students to do as well as resources for the teacher. Great site for classroom teachers.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Educators and ICT usage

This findings from this report would, I suspect, be similar to one done in New Zealand.
Key findings include:
- 85% of participants use the internet daily but
- 41% said that they experienced barriers or blocks to effective use of the internet
- a lack of investment in providing teachers with the techniques and strategies to use computers in their classrooms.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Storm in New Zealand
I am pleased I was not outside at the time!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Portal to media literacy
He talks about Web 2.0 and its impact on education. Some really interesting view points.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tim Berners Lee on the Semantic Web
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Graphical online dictionary

You can zoom the model in and out by rolling the wheel on your mouse. You can click the gray background within the applet and drag the mouse in order to shift the whole model around so you can explore. You can grab any node and pull it away from the others to clarify connections."
Sunday, July 6, 2008
21st century skills
He lists the keys as helping learners of all ages to "regularly create, communicate, and collaborate with digital technologies as they further develop their higher order thinking skills."
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Social Media
Monday, June 30, 2008
Web 2.0 Projects

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Yenka software

"Yenka is a new range of modelling tools for schools, which let you simulate concepts and create content easily.
They are designed for use either by teachers or by students, on whiteboards or on individual computers."
They are now offering free Yenka home-use licences to students and teaching staff at recognised schools, colleges and universities. There's no need to purchase anything, and it's not time-limited. A teacher needs to register. Then, they provide licence codes so that both teachers and students can install Yenka at home.
Well done Yenka, great offer for students.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Online mindmaps for collaboration

We have a free account which gives access to a limited number of maps each month. There is an option to purchase a premium membership which gives greater access. The free account allows for:
Up to six mindmaps
Ability to share and collaborate on maps
Ability to import mindmaps from Freemind
Ability to export maps as a PDF or RTF Ability to publish maps to blogs or websites
"MindMeister brings the concept of mind mapping to the
web, using its facilities for real-time collaboration to allow truly global
brainstorming sessions.
Users can create, manage and share mind maps online and access them anytime, from anywhere. In brainstorming mode, fellow MindMeisters from around the world (or just in different rooms) can simultaneously work on the same mind map - and see each other's changes as they happen. "
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Cool schools: where peace rules

Also available to download are the instructions as well as teacher lesson plans and handouts for the class.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Study about how children use media

The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) have launched a report, 'Seen and Heard: Children's Media Use'. 600 children between the ages of 6 and 13 were interviewed as well as their primary caregiver. The focus of the research was how New Zealand children use and respond to television, radio, the internet, and cellphones in the home.
This report is of interest to us as teachers as it gives us real data to show what children are actually doing. It tells us what they like, what they find disturbing and if the caregivers have any rules in place in regards to these. It is very interesting to see that many children are using the Internet on their own (53% mainly use the Internet alone). 29% of caregivers whose children have cellphones have no rules on how these are used. However children say:
When it comes to cellphone use, the most frequently mentioned inappropriate
behaviour is text bullying or playing pranks on other people (30% of children
mention this). Older children are much more likely than younger children to
mention this kind of behaviour (55% of 12-13 year-olds mention specific risk or
prank behaviour, compared to 39% of 9-11 year-olds and just 7% of 6-8
Relating to what disturbed children when using the Internet:
Sexual content or nudity (16%) most commonly upset children who have access to
the internet. Eleven percent mention internet-related risk areas that bother or
upset them, such as YouTube or pop-ups and advertising. Sixty-three percent were unable to mention anything that bothered them.
A very interesting report.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Learning to Change-Changing to Learn
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Mystery Curriculum
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Classroom blogs

Sunday, May 25, 2008
APA referencing

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Convert flv files to another format
I found a great program - Super © v.2008 - it is freeware and works like a dream.

I have made a flash movie to explain how to use this software and have embedded it into a PowerPoint presentation which is uploaded into my resources black box (left hand side of this blog). When it first appears you will just see a blank slide - it will play when you play the slide show (go to Slide show on the menu bar and down to View show). Feel free to use this.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mindmaps and critical thinking
Twardy, C. R., (2004). Argument Maps Improve Critical Thinking Teaching Philosophy, 27:2
This is very interesting although is discussing a particular piece of software to create argument maps his main thrust can be applied to other software that does similar things. At first he was sceptical about whether the use of argument maps indeed improved critical thinking skills but...
He found that students needed practice and that the three major components are argument mapping, quality practice, and scaffolded, structured learning.
I suspect that many teachers using mindmapping software do not use it as fully as it is intended but just as a quick brainstorm. Many of these packages have templates to help teachers to use them to encourage higher order thinking skills."Practice is clearly important: argument mapping without practice would not much improve critical thinking. Likewise, clear structure and expectations will improve any subject. Nevertheless, I suspect that argument mapping is the key — that if a traditional critical-thinking class matched the amount of practice and graduated structure of the Reason!(software package) method, it would not show the same level of improvement." (p.13)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Community Engagement in Education

Dr Cheryl Doig facilitated a CPPA workshop in Engaging the Community in Curriculum. Notes from the day have been uploaded to a wiki. This is wiki available for anyone to use as it does not have a password. Cheryl has uploaded files in here which suggest ideas for:
- engaging parents and the wider community
- student engagement
- using technology to enhance community engagement
- engaging with diversity
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Voice thread
Click on the pages to turn them. What a great activity for children both in the classroom and at home. Only problem is that you can't take it to bed! (unless you are using a laptop etc)
Thursday, May 15, 2008

"I believe that teachers should make the change from worksheets and excercise books, to technology and teaching computer literacy. Our parents and teachers are the last generation to choose whether or not they will be computer literate, and if they chose to not be, their students will be unprepared, for the future. Children and teenagers nowadays have to be computer literate. Almost every occupation and career will require skill and knowledge, to do with using computers.
Almost every student I know, prefers using computer programs to complete excercises and activities. The days of activity sheets, excercise books and textbooks are over. We ALL should make the switch to computers today!"How long before some teachers do listen? - it is great to see that this teacher is the one who motivated these children.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I have been playing around with Animoto to see how it works and then think how it could be used in a classroom. It is a great Web 2 tool which can be used in the classroom in any curriculum area. To use the free part of the site you first need to register. You are able to make full length (cost involved) videos or free short movies.
The short free video involves uploading 10 digital images, selecting music (the site has music available to you can upload your own) and then letting Animoto do the rest! No two videos are the same so it is possible for children to upload the same graphics and have a different video. The videos can then be seen in Animoto or you can see them in YouTube or embed into your own classroom web site (or blog etc).
This video was made using photographs taken of the children at Star of the Sea in Sumner, Christchurch, when they were having an ICT conference.
There is an educational area where teachers can go. Teachers are able to get an educational account so that they can now create longer than 30 second videos for free and download them for playing and keeping on your computer. To get this from Animoto use this link and email Rebecca for an educational registration key before you register.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bio-cube and other Web 2 tools

After placing their name on the opening screen (to begin) students fill in 6 areas to create the cube which is then printed out. These can be put together to make a cube and displayed in the room as a mobile. A very effective tool.

One that those who do not have Inspiration or something similar is the Webbing Tool where students can make a mind map to print out.
"The Webbing Tool provides a free-form graphic organizer for activities that ask students to pursue hypertextual thinking and writing. The tool provides a quick way for students to trace out options and rearrange connections. Students can use the Webbing Tool to analyze readings as well as a prewriting activity and flowcharting tool. Students can drag the circle or box shapes representing their ideas to arrange any layout and relationship that they want. Each layer on the chart will have a different color border for the shapes that you choose."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"Whatever!" Mark Treadwell

"Education is in the throes of the greatest paradigm shift ever experienced . . . ever! As a consequence of this paradigm shift, how we view education and its role in the community is set to dramatically change within a very short time span. This transition is initiating a global “second Renaissance” which will power economies and societies for the next 100 years. This paradigm shift allows learners new flexibility and capabilities, providing a simple underlying architecture for innovation and ingenuity via the provision of rich information and communication environments via the internet. Within this new environment educators and learners can instantly create dynamic learning communities within which learning transitions from knowledge, to developing understanding and then applying that understanding with wisdom." (Treadwell, 2008)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Rich Tasks

In the first part you will find
- What is a rich task?
- Why are they necessary?
- Behind the rich task, setting up a thinking culture
- The BIG picture
In the second part is about developing a powerful learning context
The third part is 'rich tasks and powerful learning'
The fourth area is 'putting it all together'
It has many interesting resources about rich tasks available on this wiki.
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Intel Foundation, and MIT Media Lab research consortia.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Backup Education?
He says:
Communication, too, is a basic skill, with reading and writing merely the best methods of the moment. Now both reading and writing are both very useful methods, which, to be clear, I think we need to teach until better ways emerge for getting the same information. But once all books are recorded, the Web reads itself, and every child and adult has a text scanner in his or her cell phone that can read any printed text aloud, should we still spend all those years teaching our kids phonics?
Writing is merely a method for recording thoughts. Not long ago neat cursive penmanship was the best method we had for this, because it was faster than printing and universally legible. Now we have better methods, such as phones, recording machines, IM, and keyboarding. As our kids all get their own phones and laptops, do we really need to teach them the old ways?
I think he has some great points to make which are worth having a look at.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Draft Digital Strategy 2.0

People are invited to view this document and to comment on the proposed policies.
There are implications for the educational sector so it is important that we read this and make comments.
An example:
In Capability Actions ( 4.3)
Action: Delivering the NZ Curriculum technology learning
area (TLA):
Enable students to develop a broad technological literacy throught the
TLA (one of the eight learning areas for schools), that will equip them to
participate in 21st century society as informed citizens and give them access to
technology-related careers.
Contributes to Priorities: Developing digital literacy and
confence in the workforce and our communities
Lead Agency: Ministry of Education
Timing: 2008 - 210
Budget: Baseline
You can fill out an online submission or you can go to the Digital Strategy Wiki
Sunday, April 20, 2008

In2Ed is a site (I have used this one for many years) from a New Zealand ICT teacher. In here you will find many ideas to help teachers integrate ICT into their classroom programmes to enhance the thinking and learning.
You will also find many downloads which you can use in the classroom such as:
- Six hats posters
- Blooms taxonomy posters
- Steps information literacy model
- Thinking and learning resources
...and much more, check it out.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Learning technologies and schools of the future

"Technology enables learners
effectively to bypass the transmission mode of pedagogy which has often dominated
practice in schools. Learners are instead
able not just to find out information for
themselves, but to join communities and
discussions where facts, information and
knowledge are challenged and tested."There is an interesting table comparing 20th century pedagogy and 21st century ICT-enhanced pedagogy.
The report discusses the needs of teachers and how professional development may be delivered as well as the shape of education for the future.
"Will learning become a continuum between locations, as the personalized learning environment travels alongside learners, linking their communities at home, at school and internationally?"The report is well worth taking the time to read.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Box of tricks - exploring the use of ICT in education

Great web site by José Picardo - Box of Tricks.
Box of Tricks explores the use of technology in the classroom. In addition there are resources to share, tips and ideas. This is well worth a look.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Making an online quiz and Ten reasons to use blogs in the classroom
This one is made at MyStudiyo.com
Have fun.
I also found a video on teachertube that decribes ten reasons why we use blogs in the classroom. Very worthwhile:
Monday, April 7, 2008
Teaching online

which has a great variety of lesson/unit plans for teachers. You will also find many links for free resources for teachers, for example this month is a link to download a manual on Developing Fundamental Movement Skills for teachers to use with their classrooms. It is worth going to this site regularly to find resources and ideas.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Turning on the light

Marc Prensky has written a thought provoking article 'Turning on the lights'. He discusses the way children are surrounded by technology and information before they come to school only to find that teachers are not building on this knowledge and they are quickly becoming bored. He points to these children learning less in schools but that their after school activities are those that are preparing them for their 21st century lives.
In order that educators 'turn on the lights' he suggests:
- Give children the opportunity to use technology in school
- Find out how students want to be taught
- Connect students to the world
- Understand where kids are going - that is, into the future - and help them get there
This is well worth reading.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mindmapping software

Compendium is about sharing ideas, creating artifacts, making things together, and breaking down the boundaries between dialogue, artifact, knowledge, and data.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Drawing program

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Interface is a New Zealand magazine put out for teachers to help support the use of information and communication technology in their classrooms. New Zealand teachers can register to get a free copy.
Greg Adams, the Editor of Interface says: “Our aim is to provide fresh, inspiring and independent coverage of what’s important to teachers, both in the classroom and their working lives. My hope is that INTERFACE will give them more confidence in using ICT, as well as the enthusiasm to give something new a try.”
There are many interesting and relevant articles in the magazine as well as many downloadable (free) lesson plans for teachers.
Links to teacher's blogs are also found on the site. Teachers will find this so useful to see what others are doing in their classrooms and also to see classroom blogs.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Online library

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Handpicked collaborative projects

- What's it like to be an astronaut?
- What was it like to live during The Great Depression?
- Does water boil at the same temperature at different elevations?
- Where in the world do fireflies live?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Practical support pack

A great site from the UK with many ideas for teachers to help support them integrating ICT into their classrooms. Whether you are new to ICT or more experienced, these materials can be used by all teaching professionals. The materials include lesson plans, classroom resources and practical advice. Some really great teaching materials here.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Web 2.0 - some good videos
Another one I thought was great answers the question :who are our students writing for? and gives ideas for using Web 2
Monday, February 25, 2008
Quality teaching

Alton-Lee, A. (2003) says that quality teaching is identified as a key influence on high quality outcomes for students. She argues that the evidence reveals that up to 59% of a variance in student performance is attributable to differences between teachers and classes.
The ten research-based characteristics for quality teaching that she points to are:
- Quality teaching is focused on student achievement (including social outcomes) and facilitates high standards of student outcomes for heterogeneous groups of students
- Pedagogical practices enable classes and other learning groupings to work as caring, inclusive, and cohesive learning communities
- Effective links are created between school and other cultural contexts in which students are socialised, to facilitate learning
- Quality teaching is responsive to student learning processes
- Opportunity to learn is effective and sufficient
- Multiple task contexts support learning cycles
- Curriculum goals, resources including ICT usage, task design, teaching and school practices are effectively aligned
- Pedagogical scaffolds and provides appropriate feedback on students’ task engagement
- Pedagogy promotes learning orientation, student self-regulation, metacognitive strategies and thoughtful student discourse
- Teachers and students engage constructively in goal-orientated assessment
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Make animations

A great online site for students to go to make animations is Aniboom.
When the student has finished they are able to export the file as an animated gif to use in PowerPoint presentations, web pages etc.
However there is a need to be careful here as there is an area where you are able to watch animations that others have made and some have adult content.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Factors Affecting Completion Rates in Asynchronous Online Facilitated Faculty Professional Development Courses

As I am delivering some professional development online courses for teachers I found this an interesting article in the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (December, 07).
Study results strongly suggest that achieving comparable completion rates for online facilitated courses relative to classroom courses requires the development of support structures comparable to existing structures for classroom and web-based training courses. >
Well worth reading if you are delivering online courses. In the same edition is another paper "Longitudinal Comparison between Online and Face-to-Face Courses in an Adult Continuing Education Program" which also makes some good points.
Monday, February 18, 2008
The digital native and animation web link
Here is a video (from TeacherTube) that defines one person's idea of a 'digital native' and gives us food for thought about our schools and teaching.
Also worth looking at is Tess Ewart’s Presentation Handouts web site where I found a great video and handout about using animations with children. Although she is promoting a piece of software for this purpose you do not have to use this to accomplish the same thing. I use a variety of pieces of software for animation including Microsoft gif animator (free), Squirtz (free), MovieMaker (free on PC), iMovie (free on Mac), Image Ready (part of PhotoShop) amongst others.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Interactive whiteboard lesson
Friday, February 15, 2008
Show me the child

Based on 'give me the child until he is seven I will give you the man' there is a really interesting longitudinal study that has been done in Otago (New Zealand) which has been following people born in 1972.
As adults fewer than two-thirds of the original sample of 1037 people still lived in Dunedin, but 97% returned to volunteer yet more detail on their health and wellbeing.
The researchers have been collecting an amazing amount of data which shows a wealth of information that has implications for us as teachers.
The Listener has an article (which is very readable) about this study. Take time to have a look and see what you think.